Thursday 14 May 2015

How Often Should You Exfoliate Your Face

The importance of exfoliation is to remove dead skin cells from your body. Knowing how often to exfoliate your skin depends on the type of skin you have and knowing what products works best.  The skin types fall into three categories: oily or acne prone, normal prone, and dry or sensitive prone.  Continue reading to gain insight on this issue and find out what methods may work best for which skin type. 

Cream exfoliators:  Cream exfoliates work best with the dry or sensitive skin types because creams add an extra coating of moisture.   The main purpose of cream exfoliates is to lock in moisture and repair damaged skin if needed.  You can use these products as much as desired; but if you notice your skin is getting too oily, you may want to stop use for a day or so.  I have super dry skin, so I use a cream exfoliator on my face daily and it works great with replenishing my skin.

Gel exfoliators:  Gel exfoliation is typically used for all skin types, but caters to dry and sensitive skin.  Gels are cool and smooth which is perfect if you want a gentle wash.  Using gel exfoliates does not require using products daily because if you have dry skin, sometimes it is best to let your pores breath.  Too much water can dry skin out.

Exfoliating scrubs:  Scrubs are great for oily or normal skin types.  If your skin is sensitive, this may not be the best route because it can cause serious damage if you scrub too hard.  Scrubs are fun to shop for because there are great varieties of brands out there.  You can get sugar based, almond, coffee, vanilla, and various other types when buying scrubs.  You can do a small test on the nape of your neck to ensure that you are not allergic or sensitive to the scrubs.  Scrubs can be used as long as you need to, but not recommended to use more than once a day.

Pad/cloth exfoliators:  Pads are the most convenient way to cleanse your face each day.  I usually do this daily when it is time to take off my makeup.  But I have to be careful because I have very dry skin and this can cause further aridness.  Therefore, I have to put on a creamer afterwards.  I use pads every day, but I encourage you to follow the directions on the product.

Chemical peels:  Colbert defines chemical exfoliation as the use of glycolic, lactic, citric, or salicylic acid to chemically remove dead cells on the skin’s surface.  This works best for persons with oily skin.  You can get chemical peels at the local spa.  The purpose of chemical peels is to improve acne, scars, wrinkles, lines, freckles, rough skin, and sun damaged skin.  You can purchase chemical pads for 5-10 sessions.  It is suggested to get chemical peels once a month until desired outcome.  When you have reached how often should you exfoliate your face your desired outcome, you continue chemical peels every two months to keep up the maintenance.

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